Monday, November 10, 2008

a small thought on PROP 8

(this Saturday i found myself in a protest against prop 8. it was in Hollywood and there were over a hundred police vehicle and a few police buses and a helicopter overhead. i wasn't expecting the swat team.)

many people believe that Prop 8 is about gay rights and gay rights only. well its not. Prop 8 is about discrimination and changing California's constitution in order to discriminate against people who are homosexuals. the religious right says that they fight this "good" fight to protect the institution of marriage. well, if that is true then why don't we change California's constitution and ban divorce. Marriage covenant is a covenant of love, since God is love (John 4:8), it is a covenant of God. No one therefore, can put aside the covenant (Matt 19:6). Divorce therefore, goes directly against God; and those who remarry after divorce are committing adultery (Luke 16:18). so the question now is, are you really protecting the institution of marriage or are you just being a bigot.

oh snap! (Kid S. 2:3)

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